Gospel 2; It's a bird, it's a plane, is it our Messiah?

 Our new Superman, gray with biblical/messiah allegories, is finally hitting the big screen. The first trailer was so good that it made grown men cry. (I'm not being sarcastic.)



Hollywood Reporter said, “one fan was literally brought to tears after seeing it, reduced to a blubbering mess as he said how much he loved it.”

 Here's that famous trailer:

The egos started to grow. For Snyder, him directing The Man of steel is the best thing since slice bread that could happen to the character. “We had to act as if no film has been made. When we approached it, we had to say, ‘this is Superman for the first time,'” Snyder said to Hollywood reporter. “And you can’t say, ‘Oh, now let’s steal a little music.’ So yes, it’s awesome music, but Hans (Zimmer) is going to do something awesome.” Easy there, tiger! The film is not even out yet.  


But then… came the early reviews.



Two days before the release, IndieWire compiled the early reviews, and you could say they were mostly positive. The hype was getting real.

“By far, the best Superman movie ever made.” Said William Bibbiani, Crave Online. 

“‘Man of Steel’ (easily the best movie directed by ‘Watchmen’ helmer Snyder, in my opinion, by the way) blasts the archetypal American superhero into our uncertain new century in high style, neither selling him out or making a sap out of him.”  -Glenn Kenny, MSN Movies:

 “When ‘Man of Steel’ gets dumb and predictable, it does so faster than a speeding bullet.” —   Chris Vognar, Dallas Morning News:  

This isn’t a careless adaptation as much as it’s a misguided one.” Matt Goldberg, Collider.  (welp, WB will revoke their press privileges)

But even with these mixed reviews, Warner Bros was as hyped as William Bibbiani from Crave Online. Nikki Finke (R.I.P.) from Deadline was told that Man of Steel 2 was a GO! And they're starting right now. Fast tracking a sequel without waiting how the first one made was the first mistake made by Warner Bros. A mistake that still haunts them a decade later, but that's Hollywood for ya.

Maybe the “Unofficial sequel announcement” was the reason Man of Steel was making money faster than a speeding bullet. The movie had already taken in $21 million in the U.S. from Thursday night and midnight screenings.  Overseas, it scored the biggest opening day of all time in the Philippines and the biggest opening day for a Warner's film in Taiwan. But, how big will be the opening weekend in the states? WB was lowballing to 80 m, however it ended soaring to $128m. (Counting special Walmart screenings from that Thursday) It was the biggest June debut ever. (currently held by Jurassic World)

So with these mostly strong reviews and record openings, what happened to Man of Steel 2? 

All news about this new Messiah take on the superhero who fights Truth, Justice, and the American Way.” disappeared after it's first few weeks.  We would not get any concrete news until 2014 with the announcement of the doomed DC Cinematic Universe, aka Snyder verse. 

The beginning of the tragedy of Snyder the wise.





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